Well with cover

I’m surprised on how fast it can be to create this by duplicating, scaling, rotating and movint. When you get the shortcuts understand the logic it turns really fast and with interesting results. I’ve never made before nothing with Blender, and I’ve made this in about 1 hour. Of course I think I’ll be faster in the future, but it seems a good speed and productivity.


Yes, it’s amazing tool.
Hot keys are your best friends in Blender.
The well project is good in scale and construct.


And now it’s lighted! :smiley:

This setup have a key and back light and also a cone light over the well itself.


Yes It is a great tool and copies and repeats build up things very quickly. Simple things can be quick, the better results take a lot more time, like anything. A child’s crayon drawing is done in a few strokes, an old master painting like Rembrandt takes experience and skills and lots of time.

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