Welcome to Finish Your Mayan Pyramid

Time to show off those pyramids! Remember as you go through the course to come back and add to your model with your new knowledge.

Here is mine!


Mine is over here perhaps one of the admins will be kind enough to merge it into this thread :slight_smile:

A little different approach ^^



I like the look of this scene. Good job!!

How did you do the foliage and the water?

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That’s really incredible @Manu_Scheller

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@BunjaminDanklin Thanks :smiley:

@Christopher_Green The foliage is made with the internal add-on " Add curve : Sapling Tree Gen" . There you can create different kinds of trees and adjust various settings of it.
Then i used this generated tree in a particle system to space them out.

The water is just a scaled plane with blue reflective and refractive material. To get that outlook you need to use a Texture ( in this case noise texture) and adjust some of its settings. Then plug it into a bump-map node and you get this look :slight_smile: .

(in EEvee)
In order for it to show refraction you need to play with the settings on the right. Change the Blend Mode from opaque to additiv or multiply and put a tick in the box of screen space refraction.

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That looks absolutely fantastic!

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@Jada thank you :grin:

Really cool! Looks like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

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All of you guys’ 2.8 renders look really nice! I was already about half-way through the course when the new sections started coming out, so I decided to just plow ahead using 2.79. But now seeing how good these have turned out, I’m definitely going to go back and check out the new stuff too.

Nice work everyone!


Thanks :joy: . That’s right, got my inspiration from there :+1:t2:

Thanks Tyger. :slight_smile: The results look really nice. The rendering process is so much easier in Blender 2.8 thanks Eevee. You will love it. I like the interface very much, there are so much possiblities now, some are like MAX3D. But it takes weeks to feel comfortable and familiar with Blender 2.8, when you can´t use it on a daily basis for hours… I am lucky, that I had holidays and at the moment I am off sick, so I can practise a llittle bit. The environment course is very interesting, too. I like this course more, because it deals with light and atmosphere. /// I am in the same situation as you and I didn´t finished this course yet, on half the way I have made a cut and decided to learn 2.8 instead. I doesn´t make sense for me to practise 2.79 any longer, because the changes between these to versions are so big, even the shortcuts… I watch the 2.79 vids and try to work with 2.8… and I am waiting for the new 2.8 stuff…

Thank you Manu for your great inspiration and precious hints. I have experimented with water and trees and build an simple environment for the pyramid.



Nice work :+1:

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Thanks Manu for your encouraging comment. :slight_smile:

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