Weird with Actor Hand controller

Your signature looks wrong. The begin and endoverlap only take 2 parameters.

	void ActorBeginOverlap( AActor* OverlappedActor, AActor* OtherActor );
	void ActorEndOverlap( AActor* OverlappedActor, AActor* OtherActor );

TheRightController->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &AVRCharacter::OnBeginOverlap);

Actually i did for component not for actor.

TheRightController = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT(“TheRightController”));

I see. You’re defining in the VRCharacter. This should be done in the HandController and OnBeginOverlap is used.

Something to note, if you use the bDisplayDeviceModel to show the controller model, you need to add a box or sphere collision into your blueprint otherwise overlaps won’t trigger.

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help me please!!

Again, inside the HandController, MotionControlerComponent->GetTrackingSource() gives you the hand you set previously.

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