WebGL build, error message

Sorry, no it’s not. That URL is the same as the one you had in your original screenshot.

What I need is the URL for your game, when built using Development Build and republished. When you publish the game you will get a different URL. When I then inspect the console of the development build version of your game, I will see the method names from your scripts, as opposed to the text in red we can see in the screenshot above.

All I need is the new URL, I will do the rest.

Or, if it’s easier for you Dominic, if you could zip up your entire project and upload it to a reply here, I will just quickly do the build for you. Happy to :slight_smile:

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Stay tuned I fixed my code as Joao_Davlvi instructed, rebuilt the game, and am waiting for it to finish processing to be posted on sharemygames.com. I will let you know if it then works.

After that has completed I will rebuild the game with the development build and do the same uploading process, once that is done processing i will send you the send you the URL (sound good?).

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Only minor thing is though, if you fix the issue first, I won’t really get a screenshot which is of any use, as there won’t be an error :wink:

Carry on as you are, and let’s see what happens, its more important you can get passed the error than I have the ability to get a screenshot, I can always recreate in a different way if needs be. :slight_smile:

But if it fixes it, he can just undo the fix so we can see the development console thing in an broken build, I’m eager to see it, seems to be pretty useful info.

I realized that but it’s no issue. I will recreate the issue for you, do as needed and then fix it again. It’s good practice and you two are very helpful, I would like to be able to help you out.


That’s very kind of you Dominic, thank you :slight_smile:

Awesome, thanks for that. :+1:

There may be an issue because my game is still processing it took nowhere near this long last time.

Strange, normally it don’t take this long. Did it finished already? O.o happens that even if you restart unity?

my upload will not work since i have talked to you last night.

but the code is compiling? are you being able to play the game inside the editor?
case you are being able to play it, perhaps you should check if all the development settings are turned off or on (perhaps if you just turned one or two on/off, it could result in such bug)

What’s the size of the .zip file now Dominic?

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Number Wizard build.zip (4.3 MB)
that’s the file and also I can play it in the editor just fine.

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I can run this locally using Firefox, the error is generated and it is still obfuscated, so I don’t think this is a development build, certainly not with the options changed as per the above is it?

I also note that there are spaces in the name of the build and as such, the files it creates and will be called upon, its typically a good idea to avoid that.

Any chance you can upload a zip of the whole project for me, I think it will be easier to just take a look that way.

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Number Wizard build.zip (4.3 MB)
tht should be it

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This is a build, I mean, can you zip up your project files, before you build, and provide those please, assets, solution/project files etc.

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says file is too large it says use a cloud sharing site have any safe ones in mind?

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If the file is larger than 10mb theb perhaps consider using Google Drive / DropBox etc and post a link to the zip file. :slight_smile:

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Hi Dominic,

I’ve downloaded and run your game from this project, it errors with the following;


Line 18 is this line;
text.text = guess.ToString();

As you can see you are trying to access the text property of your Text variable, e.g. the Text UI GameObject in the scene.

If we select the NumberWizard GameObject in the Hierarchy and then look at the Inspector we can see this;

Note the empty Text reference, you basically haven’t dragged across the Text UI GameObject into this field, it is therefore null at runtime, and thus gives you the NullReferenceException error because you are trying to access a property of something which doesn’t exist.

I should add, that, this is on your Start scene, where it doesn’t appear that you really need the NumberWizard GameObject or script, as such I would recommend removing it which resolves this issue tidily.

So, that explains the error, I will now create a development build and obtain the screenshot.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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