VSCode issues

Good day, I’ve been using VSCode for quite some time now, but recently I ran into an issue I am unable to fix by any means, somehow it can’t interact with any unity related things, mainly, there is no unity code highlights and autocompletion, also it doesn’t recognize any classes like MonoBehaviour, I am very much in need of an advice

Visual Studio Code is a bit of a moving target when it comes to support. Part of the fun of open source.
Here’s a thread with some things that have worked for some users (not all):

Beyond that, consider Visual Studio Community. It’s still free for indy developers. It has a different look and feel, but unlike Code, it works right off the bat. There is also a paid code editor called JetBrains Rider. It’s definitely not free, but it has the best integration with Unity hands down.

Thanks, I’ll go try them out)

Though i just found something
If i enable and disable the C# dev kit without closing the project, it kinda fixes itself but after project restart returns where it was, do you have any ideas?

If that’s repeatable, you can make that a first step when you get into the project… Other than that, no ideas.

Yeah i fixed it now, it was incompatible with latest .net version, had to download 7.01, also needed to hide some annoying warnings, other than that it works now, thanks for helping)

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