Updated raylib installer has new folder structure and still has errors [SOLVED]

I initially stopped this course because of issues with getting the code to compile, let alone try it out. I think I heard the installation and setup videos were redone to address most of the issues. I’m back trying again and it seems that the raylib installer (with MibGW compiler) has new folder structures where the gcc.exe is found in

"C:/raylib/w64devkit/bin/gcc.exe" not in "C:/raylib/mingw/bin/gcc.exe"
You can change that from .vscode\c_cpp_properties.json for the property name “compilerPath.”

Even after that I still got an error… in order to fix that I had to add the raylib folder(s) to the windows environment path (you can look it up online how how to set environment variables for windows. I added the following:

“C:\raylib” (for good measure)

I was about to stop this completely till I got that and the build task seemed to do something and not just throw an error. But still no “Build finished successfully” message nor that hello.exe was output. So if you aren’t used to working with compilers or make files you still wouldn’t know what was going on. Having some experience I knew it was ok though. And I can see hello.exe in windows explorer (not in vscode mind you, it will hide exe and other files by defautl) and was able to run it successfully… phew

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