I’d love to see a UE4 course that included elements of multiplayer RTS/MOBA games from scratch.
A combination of C++ and Blueprint
Minimap (Stationary full map and moving sectional)
- Stationary
- Moving sectional
- Autofollow
- Stationary with minimap movement
- Stationary with screen scrolling movement
Multiplayer Pregame
- Creating lobbies
- Chat system prior to and inside lobbies
- Friends list
Making a hero base class and instantiating it to have unique abilities, mesh, HUD, animations, etc
- Harvesting resources
- Placing and creating a building
- Repairing a structure
Building and tech-tree requirements
I think a course containing some or all of these elements would be really popular. I’ve already purchased 2 of your Udemy courses, and have been very impressed with the material.