Unreal Engine Course C++ - Bull Cow Game Problem

I’m starting into the Bull Cow game as part of the Unreal course, and I’m getting some errors popping up in VS Code. I tried to switch to Xcode as well, but was still getting errors there too. Can someone help me figure out what I’m doing wrong? I don’t feel like I’ve done that much to have broken it already, so wondering if I’m missing some sort of plugin.

Also, I noticed that I wasn’t getting autocomplete options, so that also makes me think I’m missing some sort of plugin maybe? It also seems like the issue may be in including the library at the top, but still no idea how to fix it…

Any help is appreciated so that I can keep moving forward!

See these instructions

@sampattuzzi, this is logged in notion as “macOS defines”. Could this be prioritised please?

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