Unreal crashes when adding PrintLine

Hi, I’m trying to follow along this lesson but after compiling Unreal crashes when I try to add the following line:
PrintLine(FString::Printf(TEXT(“The Hidden word is: %s” ), *HiddenWord));

or even
PrintLine(TEXT(“The Hidden word is: %s. It is %i characters long”), *HiddenWord, HiddenWord.Len());

Plays fine when I comment out the lines. Any idea where I should begin to fix this please?

thank you!

Do you have this before Super::BeginPlay? It needs to be after

Thanks, yes I do have it after. Please see the screenshot.


You have a second call to Super::BeginPlay() on line 13 which you should remove.

Ahh that’s fixed it. So sorry for making such an obvious mistake and thank you for your super speedy response!

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