Unity standard asset pack is now Deprecated

not working for me :pleading_face: Iā€™ve been cranking and testing many timesā€¦still feels chunky and jumpy. Not smooth as Rick tho, well itā€™s just a small adjustment to the game anw so maybe itā€™s not that importantā€¦ right?

You are testing your game in the Game window, arenā€™t you? If so, bear in mind that the Game window is just a preview. A laggy preview. We cannot solve any editor related problems because we donā€™t have access to the source code of Unity.

To figure out if the problem is limited to the editor, build your game and test your build. It might well be that your actual game (= the build) is as smooth as Rickā€™s.

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many thanks, definitely will try it out in the future

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