Unity 2d contest

In case you haven’t heard Unity is running a game dev contest. They just finished the 3d challenge and are starting a 2d game challenge event. More info can be found

Enter between 10/23 and 12/16


  1. You must have access to Unity Connect and a Unity Connect profile.

  2. You must utilize Unity 2018.x in the creation of the Project.

  3. You must use at least one of these 2D features: 2D Animation, 2D IK, 2D Cinemachine, 2D Tilemaps (square, hexagons or isometric), 2D SpriteShape, 2D Pixel Perfect or Vector Graphics.

  4. The 2D feature or features chosen for the project should play an important role in the concept of the project.

  5. The Project cannot have been submitted previously in a promotion of any kind or exhibited or displayed publicly through any means.

  6. You must tag all uploaded content with #Unity2DChallenge.

  7. You must attribute credit to any contributors who helped you along the way.

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