Section 2 Quiz typo?

Really enjoying the course so far, and came upon a minor, minor typo that affects the course in absolutely no way, but I thought I would point out because the instructors obviously have taken time to make the course clean and professional, so I thought they might appreciate knowing this existed.

Question 2 for the Section 2 Quiz reads: “Which of the following is the correct way to create a new variable which an integer called “Score” with an initial value of “12”?”

What is missing is “is”, e.g. “Which of the following is the correct way to create a new variable which is an integer called “Score” with an initial value of “12”?”



are you sure ‘has’ doesn’t fit better than is in this context?

Hi Christopher,

“has” would work fine, too. I’m still a newbie when it comes to programming, so there is a lot I’m learning about how to talk about programming, such as, as you put it, a variable which has an integer. I just noticed that a verb was missing. Thanks for the suggestion!

hey no worries. i am new to all this too. (c:

Actually, “is” would be correct in this context. For example, you could say “A variable is an integer (or float, double, char, etc.), which has a value”. You typically wouldn’t say a variable has an integer, unless perhaps you were using ‘integer’ as an adjective, for example: “Foo has an integer value of 42”. Likewise, you could also say “Foo is an integer which has the value of 42”.

I hope that makes sense. :slight_smile:

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