Trying to create a health system using sprites


Here is a link to a simple video on my google drive -

The player can take four hits before they die and respawn losing one of their lives.

Now to finish it off! Once I get it into game bucket, I’ll tag you in it so you can see the final product.

Thanks so much for the help, The videos on this course are great, but its been your help in the forums that has really made it for me.

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Really nice video Duncan, and I’m really pleased this has worked for you.

Please do tag me as I would love to have a go! :slight_smile:

You are very welcome for the help and thank you for those kind words, very much appreciated. :slight_smile:

Updated Fri May 04 2018 12:51

Just thought @Duncan_Drury , with regards to the number of hits per life, it might be nice to offer this to the player visually too… entirely up to you as it’s your game, but there’s a really good Unity tutorial on adding a health bar here which might be a nice touch.

I just had the same thought myself!
Awesome thanks, I’ll take a gander.

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