Truck driver and aspiring indie gamedev, just coming in to say "Hello World!"

What is there to say? I’m good a procrastinating, lol. I’ve been putting off getting really started on this course for a while, until I heard a little soundbyte of a Psychotherapist from Canada superimposed over some techno-ish music.

I have no idea why THAT particular bit of audio inspired me to finally make the plunge, but here I am. I’ve got some novice experience in coding in C#, I’ve been learning some principles of C++ from a self study book, and I played around with the Unity engine for awhile trying to make procedural maps.

Here’s hoping I stick with it long enough to actually make something, this time. Loving it so far.

Hi Aaron, welcome to the community :slight_smile:

A great way to stay motivated is to talk about and share the things you are doing, you’ll often get response/feedback from people which will keep you going.

Good luck with the course and I look forward to seeing what you share with us :slight_smile:

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