Trouble adding new layers to CameraRaycaster.cs layerPriorities

I am trying to add 2 new layers to the RayCast detection layers used by the CameraRaycaster.cs script. But only the Walkable and Enemy layers seem to be detected.

[What I Did]
I added the 2 layers to the tags and layers inspector panel
Player = LayerMask 10
Friendly = LayerMask 11

Added 2 new items to the scene with colliders and set the layers for the new layers.

I edited Utility.cs and added 2 lines to the emu:

public enum Layer {
Walkable = 8,
Enemy = 9,
Player = 10,
Friendly = 11,
RaycastEndStop = -1

I added the following edit to the layerPriorities in CameraRaycaster.cs:

public Layer[] layerPriorities = {

Removed the component from the camera and added the component back to see if it would solve.
I searched the Unity community for answers but found no help.
I ensured all the boxes in the Physics Matrix for the 2 layers were checked.
Reversed the order of the layers in the Tags and Layers inspector panel placing Player at layer 8 and Friendly at layer 9 and the detection worked for only those 2 layers and not the Walkable or Enemy layers.

I am thinking its has something to do with the bitShitf and the double digits and will continue further testing and troubleshooting.

I think you need to re-order your Layer array, make sure Walkable is at the bottom.

public Layer[] layerPriorities = {

In your version, if you have a Friendly on a walkable the CameraRaycaster script will loop through you array and match the walkable first and ignore the Friendly. In my version the Friendly will get hit first.

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That did the trick, But keep in mind you have to change the order of the layers in the CameraRaycaster component properties also. Editing the script had no effect until I changed the layer order in the Inspector for the Camera.CameraRaycaster.cs. Now it all works


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