TripleX Game


I thought I would share my TripleX game. I followed the mechanics but included a ‘lives’ system which deducts whenever a wrong code is input.

// preprocessor directives
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
/*  variables are used to store data,
        to use variables in C++ you must declare them first
        by declaring a variable, it reserves space in memory.
        variables need to be given a data type (int, char)
        int a;  < this is an uninitiated variable
        int a = 1; < this is a initiated variable
        variables can be changed at runtime
void PrintIntroduction(int Difficulty)
    /* expression statements
    an expression terminated with a ; is a expression statement.
    print welcome messages to the terminal */
    std::cout << "\nYou are a halfling thief trying to explore deeper into a mage's tower. Currently you are on floor " << Difficulty << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Enter the correct magical numbers to unlock the door...\n\n";
    /* parameters need to be passed with type. once passed, they are passed without type
bool PlayGame(int Difficulty)
    /* const, or constant, is a keyword. it ensures that the variables cannot be changed.
    declaration statements
    used to declare the values of the three number code.*/
    const int CodeNumber1 = rand() % Difficulty * Difficulty + 1;
    const int CodeNumber2 = rand() % Difficulty * Difficulty + 1;
    const int CodeNumber3 = rand() % Difficulty * Difficulty + 1;

    const int CodeSum = CodeNumber1 + CodeNumber2 + CodeNumber3;
    const int CodeProduct = CodeNumber1 * CodeNumber2 * CodeNumber3;


    /* this prints the value of the sum and product to the terminal */
    std::cout << "+ The requires three magical numbers to unlock it";
    std::cout << "\n+ The magical numbers add-up to " << CodeSum;
    std::cout << "\n+ The product of the numbers are " << CodeProduct;

    /*std::cin >> PlayerGuess;
    >> - extraction operators
    std::cin will extract everything up until a space. if values exist in
    cin stream, it will continue until stream is empty. characters get 
    converted to 0.
    chars like 'x' will halt cin from working until it is reset.
    int Guess1, Guess2, Guess3;
    std::cout << "\nEnter the magical numbers: \n";
    std::cin >> Guess1 >> Guess2 >> Guess3;

    // std::cout << "You entered: " << Guess1 << Guess2 << Guess3;
    int GuessSum = GuessSum = Guess1 + Guess2 + Guess3;
    int GuessProduct = Guess1 * Guess2 * Guess3;

        if statements - execute code block - or compound statement - if conditions are met.
        if we don't wish code block to execute, condition = false
        if we do wish code block to execute, condtion = true
    // if-else statements used to
    if (GuessSum == CodeSum && GuessProduct == CodeProduct)
        std::cout << "The magical numbers sparkle and the door opens. You progress to the next floor of the tower.\n";
        return true;
        std::cout << "The magical numbers are wrong.";
        return false;

/*  main function
    return type - this declares the type of variable returned.
    function name - important to give names that describe its use.
int main()
    int LevelDifficulty = 1;
    int Lives = 3;
    const int MaxDifficulty = 5;

    while (LevelDifficulty <= MaxDifficulty && Lives > 0) // loop until all game levels are completed.
        bool bLevelComplete = PlayGame(LevelDifficulty);
        std::cin.clear(); // clears any errors.
        std::cin.ignore(); // discards the buffer.
        if (bLevelComplete)
            // this can be expressed as ++LevelDifficulty
            LevelDifficulty += 1;
             Lives -= 1;
    if (lives == 0)
        std::cout << "\nUnfortunately you failed. The numbers burst into flames and the door is lost forever.";
        std::cout << "\nWell done, adventurer, you have overcome the wizard's tower.\n";
    // return statement
    return 0;


Code is looking good! Great job​:fire::fire:

1 Like

Cheers. Thank you for the kind feedback.

Inconsistent naming with lives though :stuck_out_tongue:

Good spot. I’ve amended to adhere to naming conventions :wink: :+1:

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