Triplex.exe command not found mac

When I type in triplex.exe the command is not found, when I try to open the triplex.exe in the terminal from the explorer it says it does not recognise the file and I get some very strange symbols.

Hi, that’s because you try to open binary file, which it means that it’s a program file (not a source of program, which consist of 1 and 0 , in a primitive case). Source code this is instruction for your computer how to make that program and finished program this is symbols which only a computer understand. So you do not need to open .exe files in the editors. On which platform do you work?

Hi thanks for responding! I work on Mac and when I try to run the exe in the terminal instead of the editor I just get the message above which is “command not found”.

That’s because it isn’t command, to start your program you should write in terminal “./triplex”.

I still get the same response when I try to do that, apologies if i’m missing something obvious

right, I missed the . at the beginning of the command (I’m an idiot) thanks for your help!

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