Triple X Compiling error

I am going through the Unreal Engine C++ Developer course and am currently on Lesson 15 “Your First Program” in Section 2. I’m trying to follow along with the video, but keep getting an error message when I try to repeat the things that are done around the 4:22 minute mark of the video.

When I type “cl’ triplex.cpp” into the terminal as shown in the instructional video, I get an error message telling me that “‘cl’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.”

Here is a screen shot:

Screenshot (2)

What is going wrong and how do I fix it?

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Did you open VS Code through the developer command prompt? It’s done in Lecture 9 Also Install VS Code at 6:40


Just opened it through the developer command prompt and the issue was resolved. Thank you!

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