Toon Tank (v2) Game Help

I have not tried deleting binaries and intermediate so let you know soon .

Hi @DanM I have followed the steps you mentioned by deleting the Binaries and Intermediate folder and rebuilding the entire project but unfortunately the result is the same. The
value for

ToonTanksPlayerController = Cast<AToonTanksPlayerController>(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this,0)); is still null .

void AToonTanksGameMode::BeginPlay()

void AToonTanksGameMode::HandleGameStart()
	ToonTanksPlayerController = Cast<AToonTanksPlayerController>(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this,0));
		FTimerHandle PlayerEnableTimer;
		const FTimerDelegate PlayerEnableTimerDelegate = FTimerDelegate::CreateUObject(ToonTanksPlayerController,&AToonTanksPlayerController::SetPlayerEnableState,true);
		UE_LOG(LogTemp,Warning,TEXT("[AToonTanksGameMode NOT]"));

Can we have a session to fix this issue? Because I am not able to move forward .


And what of my other suggestion of unzipping what you sent me?

If that doesn’t work how do you want to go about setting that up. I should also note that I’m deaf and have slurred speech (I wasn’t born deaf).

@DanM I do not understand the unzipping part. I have shared the project folder structure will you please tell me what to do,

As in create a new folder and unzip the zip you sent to me in it. Because what I was sent worked as expected.

Completely separate folder from your existing project.

Tried the same result .

Thanks @DanM . > Iwas able to resolve the problem for you .

The solution is get out from simulation mode .

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