This ones the final moon shot brah, we're going to the moon brah

I dusted off my final from this course for project boost and made a couple updates. Have a go and let me know your thoughts. Particular interested in look+feel, difficulty, and point incentives.

Behold a concoction found under a lab desk here at testabrook laboratories. This one is the first formulation of a series of melted together plastics spoons. This is our off brand sticky training serum called Space Miner Skills brah.

WASD + space is the only way this clunker works…


1552555 points … level 3 a bit hard :stuck_out_tongue:

good job bro nice game

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Fun game , liked the look of the levels. and the sound. The fuel meter is a nice touch. Great job.
After the last level it seems it loops back to first one.

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Well I guess apart from adding more variations to the levels in a similar style you could think about adding some more types of collectibles like you have done for the fuel. That mining laser thing sounds like it could be quite interesting as well.

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