The Sick Lost Moth : MyLocalGameJam Entry

hey guys so i have entered a local game jam (its a shame, the gamejam is actually local but funnily enough i participated on it Online rofl :smiley: ) (it was three days long)
in any case, here is the game.

the theme of the jam was ā€œillusionā€ my gameplay actually contains no illusion
the whole illusion is within the story.
the game is like, half a visual novel, and half a platformer, so, try not to skip the story and enjoy :slight_smile:

game description:

You Play as the great moth.

on your search for a home for your children whom youā€™re protecting around you at all times. you face a lot of enemies along the way, but you must cleanse this world all of it from these enemies. in order to find and make a good home for your children and loved ones, you have lived your whole life battling and fighting for them. but you simply can not make and find the correct place, until one day, you got cursed in one of your fights, and you and started losing track of yourself.
and now you explore a new planet, a new battlefield. you must be freed from the curseā€¦finding a home for your childrenā€¦

controls are{WASD} movement , shooting is left control
Cheats: Press {H} to get more Hp.

follow instructions that show to find your goal during gameplay. and, reach the end goal :slight_smile: (youā€™ll just know when you get there, trust me).

hope you enjoy it and please tell me what you think of my First Ever Ending Scene for a game .(if you try my game :slight_smile: )

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