The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 8: 2017) Item of Jewelry

Hehe made my morning that post :joy:

Since it took a couple of minutes to load image, just read the text lol

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You weren’t involved in the Hatten Garden robbery per-chance Daz? :wink:

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:roll_eyes: I was washing the dog that day last year… honest Guv.


rotfl… hehe… :smiley: :wink:

My diamonds


Dont have time to finish my watch , was spending waaaay too much time yesterday messing with trying to get a tarnished brush metal material :frowning:


Ahahaha. You made a watch but you didn’t have time.



I have this texture :


hehe, didnt twig on what id said lol

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nice one, thank you. ill have a play around with that tonight

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Very nice work everyone!!! I had a little bit too much fun with the compositor lol … Still getting the hang of that function…


Lookin Purdy :slight_smile:

now thats a clever design too!

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Hi guys, it’s that time again.

And thus ends another week of awesome submissions :smiley:

After 24 hours the person with the most submissions is @rszarka Congratulations! Can you please create a topic with your theme for this week :smiley:

Woohoo, nice one, congrats Robert, and well done everyone for taking part :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone :slight_smile: Really great looking jewellery from all the contributors, awesome work !! Oboshape really liked how your texture turned out for the watch! You got the case of the watch looking really good mate!
I have posted next weeks theme … The Blender Collab: Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 9: 2017) Organic model

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I never really played with the compositor until recently as it just sounded complicated and my brain was already swamped with Blender but i was stupid as it really is not that hard to absorb how to use it or at least the basic uses within it…im not sure of the best way to explain it…its kind of a photoshop filters function built into blender where you can quickly and easily add effects to your renders…filters and what not through render layers …add a glare to something shiny or a gaussian blur …it only took a few minutes for me to add the effects to that necklace …a glare filter for the sparkles and RGB curves for the contrast and completely change the final result .so you can pretty quickly change the entire way a render presents.or even add effects to individual parts…its worth taking a look into, i wish i did it sooner! So if you have not looked into the compositor before give this quick video a look and start playing with it, you will be glad you did it :slight_smile: Thats the awesome thing about this weekly for me , im constantly learning new things when i make things for it!


wow, cheers for the link, thats a really good vid. I kind of stayed away thinking that would be a monster topic to cover, but he puts it across really well.
Need to give it a go myself at some point this week. Ill apologise now tho for sore eyes and over use of filters lol


Glad it was useful for you Oboshape! I know it helped me to get a grip on the compositor … i was like you in how i felt about learning to use it!

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Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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