The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 22)

This week’s theme will be castles. Model a fictitious or an actual castle that exist or has existed. Good luck and have fun. :slight_smile:

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Ahh, back to the good old days!

It’ll be a great way to see how much progress we’ve made in nearly 5 months! And a good way for our people who’ve only joined us since we started to get involved too.

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Low-Poly Castle Scene :smiley:


Second Entry:

If I can only do one, this will be my entry…


Uh… Amhadinger wins by default lol.

Congratulations to, um… Well, Amhadinger, for last week, lol. That means he gets to choose the weekly for this week.

@amhadinger Please create a topic with your suggestion for this week!


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