The Blender Collab: Week 28 “Will you go to the Ball?”

Well she’ll need this I guess

I tried to render it in 2k first… That was a mistake
Engravings may look a bit blocky, Idk why but smoothshading didn’t work on them and SubSurf mod was braking it, they were made with the use of curves, so there’s that…

Shiny diamond edit:


Nice one! Maybe you can make gems more shiny? They look a bit dim. Or are they supposed to?

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I couldn’t figure out how to make them more shiny so I went for a bit dim and transparent

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I didn’t know that could be a case :face_with_monocle: So decreasing Roughness and adding a bit of Metallic doesn’t help?


That actually did the trick, huh
Thanks for the tip!


Well not quite as good as I was imagining but… The ball is tonight and Cinderella needs her ride. So here it is… one 7,560 mouse power pumpkin carriage.


Either Cinderella gain a few pounds, or mouses are way too small :slight_smile:
I think it would be much more epic if they would have normal size.


thats 7560 10cm mice (nose to tail( pulling a coach that’s 3m wide by 4m long. yes, those mice are to RL scale… Cindi needs room to take her girlfriends with #neverpartyalone


That makes sense. Hmmm. Maybe you can put some other objects to scene than? Currently there are only two - mouse and pumpkin transport, if there would be something else it would be easier to understand a scale. Trees, road, a scared peasant with horse and a cart…

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It is a cool idea, but the mice are too small to see. I didn’t realize what they were until reading this conversation.Could maybe be helped with the right camera angle?

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And another magic vehicle. I’ve got a bit carried away with the scene and skipped limitations. (Reference is an illustration by Victor Pivovarov to a very beautiful poem and song.)


It’s magnificent!
But I’m a little confused - the moon is on the other side, so what is a light source? Could it be a plane with a shocked pilot?


Morning sun ). But, yes it could be a plane)


I tried a few different camera angles this afternoon and the one thing they all had in common is I could either get a half decent shot of the mice (and thats being generous), or I could get a decent angle on the coach. But, I couldn’t have both.

I think the lesson I’ll take from this week’s project is to always mock the scene out to see where to focus my modeling efforts. I spent way to much time working on details that can’t even be seen in the final render and didn’t have time to do more than a rudimentry background before the Sunday Morning deadline. :slight_smile:


Blest, I really enjoy the cool elements of your culture that you’re sharing with us, this is really lovely.


Cinderella’s crystal Ball.

Guess fog needed to be more smoke in the ball for a better effect? But it is the first time I tried the effect at all. Along with ‘bloom’ via the compositor, complete new tab to me!


Cyndy knows perfectly well what she needs to get to that ball:

Of course a dwarven adventurer with experience as woodranger, equipped with a sharp axe and sharper senses, no question. The way to the castle and the ball is long, pumpkins and other rides can break now and then, even a fairy isn’t to trust at all times… but a dwarf will always get you through troubles on your way, even if you do not find the way on your own (maybe in the woods…).
In the backpack is also plenty of space for glassshoes and other stuff Cyndy might need.

… seriously now, who else should drink the two barrles of dwarven ale which were bought for the ball? The prince and half of the castledwellers would probably fall over after one glass…
(thanks to dmfrodol for pointing out to me the obvious about the ale when I wasn’t able to see it myself :smile: )


Looks great to me. It’s creative and transports a mood of fairytale :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She’ll make it there with this bike, as long as she follows the yellow brick road. Just kidding, nice idea and work :slightly_smiling_face:


this might just counter-influence you, too, so that now you wanna include Cyndy in your game as well, who knows?? :grin: well done scene, I like the tree-top cutting the moon, too, I keep looking at it, & Cindy’s waistband/corset.

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