The Blender Collab: Week 17 Themed Gallery "Temperature"

Are we starting a new thread?

What is the first thing a pirate need?

I’m lost. Has the thread been made already?

If not why not give it a name of something like ‘Blender Weekly Challenge’ then that’s where we host the challenges.

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No!, but there is no official @Marcello follow up yet. So i propose a new collab challenge.

Yeah, go for it. Maybe make a new thread and link to it from here?

Is this the new topic?

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We could make it , for the upcomming … I’ll wait for @Marcello to give it a go.

I agree the use of ‘colab’ means nothing to anyone, and possibly means people ignore it. Weekly ‘challenge’ or some such might be more in keeping with the course!

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Then we’ll wait for @Marcello to make it, but if his not online or something then maybe @FedPete could you make it? Since you were nominated to choose the next theme.

If it can be made before the 26th then the new theme can be chosen by the winner on the Monday or every Monday. Friday will be the last day to submit and then Saturday and some of Sunday will be the days voting can take place. This is just a suggestion on what we could do.


Ahh, Sorry guys. I oversaw this one.
I will start a new thread.

subject (so you can start already) is:

What is the first thing a pirate need?

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Sorry. I should’ve noticed sooner. I’ll look out for the new thread. Thank you!!!

Sorry everyone, was busy. Haha yes, @FedPete maybe i should have made that more obvious. Glad everything is clear now. Go ahead then :smiley:

NEXT CHALLENGE " What is the first thing a pirate need? "


I think a structure something like this is a great idea.

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I love all of this! Keep it up guys! I’ll share the winners with Lucy.

Geez it’s already been 4 months since we revived the collab, time sure does fly.


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