Texture or Principal BSDF - Which looks better?

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I’ve gone through this lesson. I did add additional shadowing at the chest as it looked like it needed some darkness added. I keep going back to the Principal BSDF and saying to myself that I like that image better. There is a problem with the eye that the iris is casting a shadow. That can be fixed by moving the back of the eye up to the iris. I am going to post both and a split image.

With all that said, the texture painting does add to the Principal BSDF version as well. Clothes are in Texture Paint in all images.

Texture :
Principal BSDF:

Split Image:


I think both methods will need more tweaking of properties.
It all depends on the final end results you want to create.
As an artist, or designer, what kind of style do you want to achieve?

Now you are fighting between cartoon and realism. Both are hard.
Also “Kill your darlings”, as in you focus too much on the eyes, forgetting other parts of the illustration.

See Andrew Price on Disney Toy Story 4, on Blender Conference 2022.

Also, just created a new subject, called “Toon Shader”, for the weekly collab. Have fun!

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Definitely more refining needed across everything. But the instructor has indicated that we should not focus on getting details perfect in one area before bringing up details in all the others. Other than adding nostrils and a bit of burn to darken the shadows under the breasts, I have stayed with him. I am guessing that is why I am liking the Principal BSDF better as the shadows bring out the features that were created during the modeling. My intuition is that we will be effectively modeling the shadows we get from the one style to the other so we will not be dependent on good lighting. I have decades of experience with stage lighting and sound so my eyes do automatically focus on the shadows to make sure things look natural. I do feel the urge to add a Rosco 34 gel to all my lights in Blender, but have resisted so far.

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