Text 101 Prison Escape Project

Hey everyone.

So I made the simple text prison escape game for the Udemy course. There’s 51 different states in it if I recall correctly and has a few different pathways. The game requires you to play through the side loop once before moving onto the main gameplay, which is meant to be a humorous take on breaking the fourth wall while breaking out of a cell. The game ends in a loop that begins at the start of the game. I would like to make another part to it later once I have more technical skills and can develop a working UI.

I appreciate any criticism or feedback. Since I just really got started coding I don’t know how far I can go with the feedback I get currently. I do hope this is a good starting point for moving forward into game development though!


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Hello Jordan,

Congrats on finishing and sharing your text adventure! It was fun to explore the different paths provided in the story. Keep it up!

Happy Coding :slight_smile:

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