Text 101- CYOQ Kinda city hero defence ishh game

  • Game theme
    The idea of the game comes up from a couple of Warcraft 3 maps. I don’t remember the name of the maps, nor who created those maps. That is a kind of a hero defense map with RPG element where u protect a village or certain building. But as a player, you are not restricted to only one position and can freely move around the map and defeat bosses or just hunt monsters before they reach your object.
  • Images
    image 3
    image 4
    image 5
  • What is the goal
    The goal is to protect the village, escape it or make your village to a village worth protection from the king.
  • Who is the player
    Not a hero, not a knight. You are a citizen who wants a brighter future for yourself and your family. Or just escape all of the horrible things that happen or going to happen…
1 Like

Awesome text 101 idea! I love the images!

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