Testing the textures with limited knowledge of nodes

Musgrave has a lot of variations, I’m led to believe.

I intend to keep a uniform roughness to preserve the reflections.


Not every material has the same roughness factor!
And even a single material has local variations of roughness!
Be aware of this when going for high realistic images.

Get inspired by your own environment, keyboard, screen, cup mouse, floor.
Look for dust, finger prints, dirt spots etc…


The Musgrave node allowed me to nicely adjust the roughness to make it look like my board had actually been wet a while ago, or that it rained specifically on the board patch. However, I really, really like the perfect reflection that I’m seeing here. Perhaps in the future, my models will take these into account…

Now the wood on the other hand – that I want to weather. However I don’t know how to lerp between two textures yet.

I switched colour with roughness, and I suppose by reducing the craziness, I can begin to think of the board in a different way.

There doesn’t seem to be any untoward compromise with the reflections either. This, I like. However, I’m really impressed by this and want to do more texture based editing to achieve a different look and feel.

Yet perhaps I want to preserve some of the stylisation and craziness I associate with my novice capabilities.


Nodes are a very deep subject, amazing things can be done with them.

You have a good start.


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