Terminal hacking theme words

5 words easy local library

  1. Book
  2. Shelf
  3. Bookshelf
  4. Borrow
  5. aisle
    5 medium police
  6. constable
  7. spying
  8. authority
  9. conspirator
  10. arrest
    5 hard HASA
  11. supernova
  12. satellite
  13. aersospace
  14. spacescraft
  15. cosmonaut

I used these words…thought i’m wondering if bookshelf would be hard or easy word for this lesson.

I’d also like to add that THE AUDIO in the folder/assets you download afterwards. NO YOUR COMPUTER IS NOT BROKEN. DO NOT CALL TECH SUPPORT. Which is what I was going to do as I am having a motherboard,hardware problem at the moment. It’s the AUDIO coming from UNITY. :slight_smile:

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