Terminal Hacker - my var

Terminal Hacker

This is my second project and first project created while processing through “Complete C# Unity Developer 3D: Learn to Code Making Games” course. I decided to expand course project concept with my ideas. To achieve that I used acquired skills, also I had to find solution for few other cases. I wanted to provide players possibility to earn something during gameplay.
Did I succeed?

Game Description:

The player takes the role of hacker, starting from zero, with no money. After successful hacking he’s getting awarded with valuable items which could be sold on Dark Web. With bigger money in background, new and more attractive places to hack are being unlocked. Hacker need to pay attention to his felony level, no one wants to spend his life in prison but no worries, Dark Web market provide a lot of capabilities like attractive deals and advanced technologies.

Project Description:

The main goal of this project is to consolidate knowledge about basic foundation of c# skills, variables, statements, etc.

Game Mechanics:

Main Menu:

Player starts in the main menu, this time created by using canvas. Controlling menu section by unity events.

Terminal Screen (main game screen):

Player is moved to terminal screen, there are few options at terminal main menu screen:
-Dark Web store
-Location which could be hacked
Moving through sections by typing option number and going back using back or main input.

Dark Web store

Store provides capability to buy unique items which can help player guess the password by displaying some hints. Items which can be bought:

  • enigma
    Shows password first letters:
    password = something
    Item level 1 s********
    Item level 2 so*******
    Item level 3 som******

  • decoder
    Shows password word hints:
    password = tree
    Item level 1 wood
    Item level 2 wood leavs
    Item level 3 wood leavs forest

  • hacking timer
    Increases level hacking time:
    Item level 1 by 5 seconds
    Item level 2 by 10 seconds
    Item level 3 by 15 seconds

  • auctioneer
    Increases items sell value:
    Item level 1 by 10%
    Item level 2 by 20%
    Item level 3 by 30%

  • loster
    Provides chance to avoid increasing felony level after not guessing password or after shop crime event:
    Item level 1 by 20%
    Item level 2 by 25%
    Item level 3 by 33%

  • time encoder
    Reduces time penalty after not guessing password:
    Item level 1 by 1 second
    Item level 2 by 2 seconds
    Item level 3 by 3 seconds


Simple screen showing items count, items dell value and money balance.

Hacking locations

Choosing unlocked location moves Player to guess password screen. Player has specified time for guessing password. Password is a word strictly linked with choosen location and Word is showed as anagram. Each wrong password input results with time penalty (-x time in seconds).
If Player will not guess the password or try to finish hacking before end of time using ‘menu’ input he will be punished with increasing felony level by x% (depends on hack location, higher more attractive locations results with higher felony level punish).
If Player succed in guessing the password he is moved to reward screen.
Each level has its own reward pool divided into tiers.
Reward chance depends on reward tier, higher tier reward has lower drop chance.
Reward tier specifies money value.


Win Condition is building Own Hacking Complex, which requires:
-Felony level 0%
-Unlocked and development all items
-Unlocked all locations
If requirements are met Player can build Own Hacking Complex, Win screen animation is being shown.
Player can also lose the game if he does not pay attention to felony level. If felony level reaches 100% player gets busted.

Game Systems

Rewards Tier

Each location has 5 unique rewards which are divided into tiers, every tier has its own drop chance:
Tier 1 30% drop chance.
Tier 2 25% drop chance.
Tier 3 20% drop chance.
Tier 4 15% drop chance.
Tier 5 10% drop chance.

Shop Crime

Every item sell transaction in Dark Web store may result in Shop Crime event which involves increasing felony level by 10% and loosing 90% of sell value.


Felony level increases when player fails to guess the password or when Shop Crime event occurs. When felony level reaches 100% player gets busted.
Getting busted leads to lose all money, items and fine - 5000$.

Closing remarks

Project took me a lot of time but I learned a lot.
I’m looking forward to your opinions :slight_smile:


looks cool, but is there a link for people to play it?

There you go:

This is really good, I liked the concept but there are several issues and bugs than need to be fixed, first of all, this happened:

I tried to go back but typed something else and it sent me to that weird screen.

Some other bugs:

  • The bribe didn’t make my “felony” bar go lower.
  • I tried to buy something but wasn’t able to, I had to try 3 times before it let me.
  • Typos! It’s “supplements”, not “suplements”, not sure if there are more typos, you’ll probably have to check that out.
  • This isn’t a bug but something that kind of annoyed me a little bit, some of the hints were just… weird, like “Arthur Weasley” (Muggle) or “Crowd” (Discount), the player needs some mental gymnastics to figure some of those clues out.
  • Again, not a bug just a QOL improvement. The interface, I know it’s hard to make something look good with only text, but a little format goes a long way, there’s too much text in some of the screens making everything look a little cluttered, specially in the shops.

The game is pretty enjoyable and fun but, Why does the player starts with so much money? You’ll probably need to check that and balance it, because right now there’s no point in going further other than curiosity, almost everything can be unlocked right from the start, it kinda breaks the purpose of the game, my guess if you forgot to remove that, but if that’s the case, you’ll probably want to lower the difficulty of the local shop just a little bit.

I truly think the game is fun and that you expanded on it incredibly well, congratulations on such amazing effort!

“I tried to go back but typed something else and it sent me to that weird screen.”

This is a deliberate action, which is responsible for managing player from running out from guess password screen - I had to find a way to block running out from guess password screen when player does not know the password and tries to escape when time is almost over.

The bribe didn’t make my “felony” bar go lower.

I have been testing felony system few times and bribe system works fine, each bribe option work good.
In case this kind of bug occurs?

I tried to buy something but wasn’t able to, I had to try 3 times before it let me.

Hmm… I need to know in what situation (which item or which shop) this bug occurs.

Typos! It’s “supplements”, not “suplements”, not sure if there are more typos, you’ll probably have to check that out.

Thank you for idicating me this bug.

This isn’t a bug but something that kind of annoyed me a little bit, some of the hints were just… weird, like “Arthur Weasley” (Muggle) or “Crowd” (Discount), the player needs some mental gymnastics to figure some of those clues out.

I replaced crowd with some other word :slight_smile:

Again, not a bug just a QOL improvement. The interface, I know it’s hard to make something look good with only text, but a little format goes a long way, there’s too much text in some of the screens making everything look a little cluttered, specially in the shops.

Well I understand what you feel but I was working on provided terminal UI, my capabilities were limited because I had to adjust to project UI.

Why does the player starts with so much money?

Excuse me but I uploaded wrong game version :open_mouth:

Thank you for your feedback sir :slight_smile:

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