Take A Moment To Tune - sNOw BOaRDER

After some game design, it’s time to settle the first level.

As usual, I started with a quick sketch of the environment to get the mood:

Then I stretched the Sprite Shape a little bit and put placeholders in front of and behind:

I like the sketched style. I might modify the Sprites with this in mind :thinking:

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Fantastic job! :grin:

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Thanks! The new version without placeholders is ready, I just need to upload it :stuck_out_tongue:

First of all, I reshaped the level and split it into five sections to keep the difficulty progressive.

Then, I wanted a parallax effect, so that the Pic du Midi d’Ossau remains in the middle of the screen in the background.
On the Cinemachine Virtual Camera component, I used Look At to create a line between the camera, Camila and the peak (as you can see in the following footage):

And finally, I sketched Camila to replace the original Sprite (sorry, Barry…):

The result, so far:


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