Student GitHub Directory

Catching up on the new videos. As per the personal challenge in the video. Profile has been tidied up and I’m making use of organisations for the studio now.

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How did you find creating organisations? And connecting to them again?

Seemed fairly simple actually to create. Haven’t had any issues connecting to the repos again. GitHub automatically added permission for my personal account on creation.

Do we need a studio to use organizations?

I miss living in Tokyo. Was there from 2008 - 2012. Saw a lot of weird stuff!

No anyone can make organisations. Mine isn’t a studio legally just some branding and a website. Just a way separate my code. Anything game related under the studio name and general code projects either under my name or create a separate organisation for that as well. I’m thinking of them simply as folders.

Let me know how that works out. I was wanting a way to put all my Unity projects into one, all my Unreal into another etc.

So far no issues at all. I should have the current section i’m on finished this week and then ill set up a new one for the last section. So far I was only moving existing repos so just need to test creation.

  1. click plus top right and choose “new organisation”
  2. enter and organisation name. (this is the name you want to be displayed for this organisation)
  3. I chose “belongs to my personal account”
  4. enter an email and press “create”
  5. just press continue unless you need to invite people to work on a project.
  6. either answer the questions or skip.
  7. go into one of your repos and click settings top right.
  8. scroll right to the bottom and click transfer.
    9 type the name of the new organisation twice and confirm.

the repo will now be under the new organisation.

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So what should I use for organization name since I really don’t have a business? Username+Unity, etc?

Yes that would be fine. Type in the username field and it will check it. So long as you get a green tick it will work. It will fill in spaces for you

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Christina Miller, US,


Frank TR, Norway,


Aarav Shah, US


Hi everyone! My name is Derek and I’m in Utah.

Here’s my Git. It’s sad and empty now but not for long :smiley:


Hello Everyone! Great to see everyone here! I’m from Florida!

Here is my git. To be honest for over a year I could not get anything to push to Github and I have been using Bitbucket but I was never consistent with my version control. I am taking this course to finally get a firm grasp on version control and to fill up my squares with green.


Hey there from Maryland, USA.

My github repo is:

I’ve been using it for years now on Linux, but wanted to see how it works on Windows. Thanks to the course, I’ve discovered SourceTree - so that’s a win already!


Ove from Rogaland, Norway (living in Sweden at the moment). Most of my repositories are private but here is my GitHub profile:


Hello from Oregon (Western US)



Anton Lehrberg, Sweden,


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