Pixel art learning journey sketchpad

My first PixelArt animated sprite:

2024-07-10 - BlobEx

And my first pixel art shading:

2024-07-12 - Shaded sphere

Repeated again for practice with different size and colors:

2024-07-12 - Sphere2

And test with outline

2024-07-12 - Sphere2 + outline


Terminator.Frawg comes for you! XD

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Have you seen sarah connor? XD
Let’s run for our lives! XD

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Instead of making many individual posts I decided to rename this thread and put all my stuff here. Both course based work and just random practices. Here’s some stuff I added to tilemap while following Brackeys Godot YT intro tutorial:

Marked what tiles I added

And today’s little practice (16x16 apple):

2024-07-28 Apple


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