Hello all, despite increasing the start lifetime for my starfield particles, I can still see them dissappearing while I’m playing. How did y’all fix this? Also, I tried creating a slower starfield for a different scene, but it takes a little while for the particles to show up, even though I have prewarm checked.
What start lifetime you have at the moment?
I put four starfield particlesystems in my game, three of them has start lifetime 15 and one of them has 10.
Try to preview them in your sceneview and look where the particles start and where they end. It’s okay for those particles to go way out of boundaries of your screen, eventually those particles vanish of course.
When you are in sceneview, click on your particlesystem in the hierarchy to start previewing it (you can see them move in sceneview), then you can adjust the lifetime live, and see how it works out.
Both are at 100 start lifetime, speeds are 6 and 2.5. It seems like the start lifetime doesn’t have anything to do with it, I even tried setting them to 10,000 start lifetime yet they still disappear on the screen.
change the duration instead.
I tried that and it didn’t work either
Any chance of a screeshot of your inspector please. And a screenshot of your scene viewing the particles from an angle.
I take it your using emission shape is flat?
When you preview in the scene theyre going in a flat direction, ie not leaving the view frustum into scene if its orthographic.