Space Breaker Level 1

Here’s a design I made for my first level :slight_smile: The name is super generic, but I was having a creative block lol. I made a bunch of different types of “enemy” blocks, but this is just one design.

One issue I’m having that I hope will be fixed later on, is that occasionally my ball will get stuck moving left and right with no change to the Y axis values. And its velocity will slow wayyyy down.
Here’s a gif I took trying to capture that issue:


Get rid of the friction

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Hi Flaaffy,
the boring loop is hard to solve, I found. Luckily there are several posts which can help you to get rid of it. I found this one very helpful while doing my block breaker.

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I’m almost to the friction video in the lesson, so we’ll see if that helps :slight_smile: thank you!

Thank you!

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You are welcome:)

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