Source Control with Imported Assets

I have a question on source control.

I’ve been using Git - which has only been very lightly touched on during this course. So I decided that with any imported assets I had, I would add them to a folder in the .gitignore - thinking that they wouldn’t be changing and that I could just re-import them if I needed to re-build from the repository.

But we just changed one of the scripts in the ThirdPersonCharcter standard asset… And now Git doesn’t know that we have changed it (and I will probably forget too).

So, as a general question on imported assets - how should we handle them with source control?

And a further question… often imported assets include a whole bunch of ‘stuff’ that we don’t use in the game. Is there a quick and easy way to identify them and strip them out? (or move them to an ‘unused assets’ folder or something? It would make it much easier to find what we actually have used.


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