Something happened and I don't know what :(

It became a little odd in perspective view (I mainly used ortho for this), and the rendering is far away from what I designed.

This is the (strange) perspective view:

This is the final rendered:

What did I do wrong to get this strange thing in my perspective view? What can I do to improve this lighting over the final speaker?

Hi, you probably zoomed in to much with the mouse scroll wheel. you can go back to ‘normal’, with the DOT-key, the ‘.’ on your numpad.
Remeber when working on the mesh, you don’t use (view throug) the setup camera. Only when using the Zero (0)-key on your numpad.

About lighting, as you will learn, add more lights (at least 3).
Add also a floor plane, so shadows will be seen. adding depth to the image.

I’ll try those soon, thanks for the reply!

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