Some pointy pyramid and [Solved]weird shadow

I got some shadow problem at the top.

I solved it by creating edge perpendicular to the shadow and dissolve it after.
Is there simpler way to change triangles on quad face?

Maybe You should try add the edge split modifier?
You can find this in section 4- lecture 85

This is called non-planar geometry. The course will go over it later, but essentially the face isn’t flat enough to display it as a flat face, so it gets a fold in the middle. Sometimes the edge split modifier will get rid of it, other times it won’t. Here is an interesting thread on the stack exchange talking about it:


I know the issue. I have some (100 h) experience in 3DS Max for game modeling.
Simply i didn’t know how to change triangulation of a quad in Blender. In 3DS there is option to change triangulation.

Thanks for the info. I will back to my shadows later when I make some progress.

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