[SOLVED] Xamarin Studio vs MonoDevelop

On the home page of monodevelop.com the download link goes to http://www.monodevelop.com/download/ which offers XamarinStudio (currently However, from that download page, clicking GTK# for .NET: Download from mono-project.com goes to http://www.mono-project.com/download/#download-win which offers a Download Mono 32-bit link (currently .
Should I continue with the MonoDevelop install or go with Xamarin Studio?

Update: I asked this question because I thought MonoDevelop would be installed independently of Unity. Just installed Unity and my question was unnecessary

[Edit: Added update]

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It really does not matter wheter you’re using visual studio, xamarin, monodev or somethin else. You should use that tools you find usefull and convinient.


Thanks. My preference is to use Visual Studio but I was asking since it was called out to use MonoDevelop for the Unity 4.x lessons so I figured I’d ask.

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