Cannot split the block into two

I hope someone is looking at this problem from the team and update the video with new sprites because a lot of people are experiencing this now. This is what im talking about :

I have wasted so much time now in trying to find out how am i supposed to split it and keep the transparency. I have tried so
many online tools. Not happening. Please respond.

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If you look at the very bottom block you will see a dark crack coming out of the top of it. This line makes contact with the block above, as such there isn’t a full horizontal line between the two blocks for Unity to guess where to slice.

Edit the image and remove a little of the crack line so that the transparency goes all the way from left to right.

@ben FYI…

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Thank you. I did figure that out but when i removed that, im not able to select the other boxes. Anyway, I just found a new way to import both of them !

So, for the people who are still not able to separate them into two. What you can do is duplicate the BRICKS asset and
in the first one, (Original bricks asset) go to the sprite editor separate “1 hit” and in the duplicate asset, separate “2 hit”. This way you have both 1 hit and 2 hit animation. Though not the best way to do it but it got very tedious and i tried tried and tried. It wasn’t happening, this will solve the problem. Screenshots for reference :

As long as you have them both in your assets, it really doesn’t matter if they are in two different folders.
Hope this helps :slight_smile:


I was having this same problem! The 1 Hit block and the 2 Hit block were not being recognized as 2 sprites. I have been working on this for way too long. I decided to start over. I was using copies of the bricks and modifying them for the different blocks. I started over and instead of making duplicates or copies, I just opened as a new layer the original brick. I saved it and tried it out, it worked! I even went back into Gimp and made the bricks look damaged and it worked this time. I wonder if it has to do with the program recognizing that the copy was a copy and decided to link them together? I am not sure why but if you just bring in the original brick into a layer, and not copy them, it seems to work.

BricksHere’s the corrected PNG, if anyone would like to use this instead of fixing it themselves.

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