Smash Party - Block Breaker

Hey everyone, here’s my block breaker. It’s more pinball-y because I added gravity and you have a trampoline instead of a paddle. I also added lives, music and a high score system. Oh, and you play a little naked guy named Neville. Have fun!

Smash Party
Screenshot: SmashParty|670x500


I loved the game - gameplay, sound, design, all grand. The rhythm and the way the ball bounces is awesome! Poor guy though, I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes :wink:
Job well done

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I had to play a few times to get to the second level. It took me some time to understand mouse click controls the tension of the trampoline, but I have gotten comfortable being the slow one in the group haha.

Did you finish the next unit and return to refinish the particles? I can’t wait to have PARTICLES :slight_smile:

I found it! Lesson 73. I have been taking a break for a couple days… I am on lesson 70 right now. Hopefully have some particle awesomeness soon… drools

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