It’s also a method that would go in SkillStore. It’s just a convenience method… so that you could, if you wanted, in the UI show "{skillStore.GetSkillsNeededForNextCombatLevel()} skill increases until next Combat Level"
or something like that.
In Integer division, / gives you the whole number value of the division, and % gives you the remainder…
For example, suppose your character has 7 skills. If the required skills per level is 5, then the level itself is now 1 (perhaps that should be displayed as GetCombatLevel()+1 in your UI), and the remainder is 2 (7 % 5 = 2). By subtracting this number from the number of skills needed, you get 3, so level “1” with 3 skills remaining until level “2”.
The same way we were doing it before… In BaseStats
Store the current Combat level.
When a skill level increases, check the Combat Level and compare it to the stored Combat level
If the level has increased, store the new level and fire off the event in BaseStats. All you’re changing is how you calculate the level (by checking SkillStore for the GetCombatLevel())
And that’s your challenge… If only we had some way of looking up attack values based on a level…