Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

Hello. ^^

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Hi world!

Hello world!

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Hello World

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This is my sample game!

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Here is my pretend platformer screenshot: “Mr. Snowman Loses His Cool”

There are so many good entries here, nice work everybody! I am hitting the limit on likes to give. This is each of you: :star_struck: :clap: :+1:

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Here is mine


Here is mine

here is my silly platform

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“Peeper’s Quest”, made that name up on the spot lol
Thanks for providing us with the course!


Hi Fellas, Here is my very first game.
You can watch GamePlayVideo here.
Hope you like it.


Here is my first try…

I went super simple.


Here’s mine!


Here’s my silly pretend platformer, too. :smile:

Those Super Mario bowser dungeon levels inspired me to go with this

That’s a nice little game you got there! I like the idea of picking people up and healing them. was the speed boost hard to make?

@Saccatherine Also has a nice colourful looking level, looks like the bird has to reach the eggs I love that idea!

Went a little over the top, literally with this experiment so i zoomed out and here’s what some of it looks like. First time so feel free to roast me XD.

Very original

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