Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

Here is my ugly minecraft copy but not really:

Uhhh… there we go.

Here is my pretend platformer :slight_smile: would like to someday work on a Megaman/Metroidvania game someday :stuck_out_tongue:

Screenshot 2022-10-10 025932
Here’s my silly platformer thing

Here’s my silly platformer thing - nice and bare bones.

heres my silly pretend platformer lol

Here’s my platformer :slight_smile:

here’s my kirby inspired platformer!

I went for something kind of like Mario 3.

heres my one, im quite proud of it!

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Here’s my pretend platformer

Collect all coins to save the dark sun :scream::scream:

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My first platformer!

Yes, it’s me

you definitely can be proud !

Here is my pretend platformer

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