Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

I love how you used the basic shapes to create something really cool kudos

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Pretend Platformer Screenshot!

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Here is what I’ve created!


My silly level. Guess not many people kept the blobs as thy are :slight_smile:

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Here’s mine - Lots of more impressive screenshots ahead of it :sweat_smile:

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My very original platformer, the Marion’t Siblings.


I think the diamond is an enemy… maybe. Could be a Tomb Raider style save crystal.

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Say Hi To Bahaa :joy::joy:


Just a simple stream of consciousness…

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here’s my silly pretend platformer:
bout time these guys made a comeback

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A quick little doodle of a dude staring at his switch lol

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Here is my dark scene


This is a good one, @Rick_Davidson. I think you might have a future in game design! :wink: :laughing:

here is my first ever, it’s kinda, yea it needs more work but had fun :slight_smile:

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Just started today

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Think I got carried away XD


Not a platformer, but I think it looks nice.

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Supercool Jumpman!

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Here is mine lol

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