Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

I learned how to turn a basic sprite into a different sprite asset i had and was going to upload that picture but when i saw how true to the basic sprites only everyone was i replaced the awesome coins with these little guys instead!

I actually had to go back and try again to suit my style better especially if we’re going to start adding code to this bad boy, also I want my portfolio to look good so this took about 2 hours but I’m proud of myself and I also learned to organize the hierarchy to put sprites within other sprites and realized it parents them together allowing you to move them all around as 1 object which is almost like building your own 2d model, obviously just using 1 single sprite that is an image of an object seems to be the best idea but this was neat to learn, thank you for this course i’m having a blast!

Ho Ho Ho Platformer

Be honest… Is this just Microsoft Paint?..

Decided to make a fighter style game, managed to add some light to the moon too

I guess I was just thinking of parkour

Pretend Platformer:

Fun little slime platformer :slight_smile:

Here’s my silly platformer:

Pretend Platformer. Some of these are so creative.


here is mine

And Here’s Mine!!

Here’s my pretend platformer.

Here’s my doraemon

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