Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

I remade the camera as my tree leaves and also spammed duplicates of it to make the cloud.

Here is mine.

Here is my cool platformer.

My silly pretend platformer. (At least I added a sun :joy:)

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One must imagine a game dev happy


I tried to do something different, an airplane throwing water into lava and creating obsidian! The idea is there but im not an artist! i prefer just programming!! XD

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My first silly work.

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Hello, this is my modest pretend platformer. A Simple circle trying to get to a green spot in the bottom. It has to avoid some poisonous red triangles in the process :wink:

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Screenshot 2024-01-11 212120

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Lool yeaahh, just playing around

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“Reach for the stars.”



My basic platformer

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 6.23.30 PM

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