Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

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Here is my platformer game. I also downloaded the 2d character from unity asset store.

I didn’t really spend much time on it as I was eager to get to the lessons lol, but here’s my silly fake platformer

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Heres mine. Wanted to get to the next lessons lol.

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Aquí mi dibujo:

A lazy princess has to be evacuated from her home, a castle on the clouds


My silly platformer:

2 Kids playing football.

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My pretend platformer

Just a quick little cheesy platformer.

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who needs hands amirite

I had trouble with my design not showing up in the game preview - I went to YT to discover that I needed to readjust the Z position to -5 to backup the camera past the clipping plane. I have no idea what any of this means, but I have an UltraWide screen monitor, so maybe that had something to do with it??

Amazing design


Here is mine

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