Show Your Pretend Platformer Screenshot

Here is mine! Not a lot of obstacles/challenges though! :sweat_smile:

Here’s my silly pretend platformer - the player is a little car with a projectile weapon, but I think I made the enemy too cute to want to destroy.

here’s mine lol

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Here’s mine!

like it!!

simple pretend platformer screenshot.

Here is my pretend platformer :D. I also played the same game as you did Rick.

Snowman Peril

Show your pretend platformer screenshot

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As you can tell, I spent a lot of time on this… I like shapes.

Jerry Found a coconut tree! Jerry is happy :slight_smile:

Watch out !!


Here’s my pretend platformer!

we do it! here is my pretend platformer:


just a worm

Here is my soccer match

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